Dreams of Alligators

 Dreaming about alligators and crocodiles may mean many things, depending upon your current life status and the plethora of associated emotions that you may feel after getting up from an alligator dream.

Dreams of Alligators

Truly speaking, there is not much difference between the dream symbolism of alligator and crocodile. It is because both these fearful reptiles are powerful symbols of wildness and danger.

Both these huge animals live in wet swampy lands or in water covered with tall grasses. The only difference between them exists in physical looks and that too very negligible. 

 Alligators have short and round snouts and are known to be a little less aggressive than crocodiles. Conversely, crocodiles are fierce and wild reptiles with long and pointed snouts. In waking life, alligators and crocodiles evoke a lot of fear.

So, it is obvious that when you dream about these strange creatures, it will be difficult to parse and live by.

The general symbolic meaning of alligators in dreams are:

Facing fears

Dreams about alligators are symbols of fear and anxiety. The ferocious and broad teeth of these animals denote the impending threat of waking life.

You are scared of it and so you do not wish to confront it in reality. Some unexpected ill-fated news or an uncertain outcome of something may bring a lot of fear and anxiousness.

It is scary to face the fear so you tend to ignore it in reality. The appearance of alligators in dreams may mean that you are not supposed to ignore/avoid the fearful circumstances.

You are reminded to remain cautious and vigilant of what is coming next. The warning signs of your real life needs to be taken note of.

Symbol of adventure and free will

Dreams about alligators are signs of adventure. It symbolizes your free will, a sense of independence, freedom of thought and action to carve a reality of your choice. Crocodiles are large swampy reptiles that resemble risk taking.

These animals symbolize your inherent need for excitement and jubilation. The dream symbolizes your rush for something new and exciting.

You are looking for some big and new changes in your waking life. Maybe, your daily living has become a mere routine and you just wish to come out of it.

Sign of resilience and endurance

Sometimes, alligators in dreams symbolizes your resilience and patience to fight adversities in life. As the skin of the alligator is rough, scaly, thick, and unpleasant; the dreams of this fierce reptile reminds you to improve your mental toughness, personal skill and never ignore your emotions.

When you are resilient, it means that you are better equipped to fight odds in life. You can easily face challenges and shall remain open to suggestions from others.

The thick and rough skin of the crocodile is symbolic of criticisms and evaluations. The dream tells you that you are capable enough to handle criticisms.


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