Psalm 18

 Song 18 For the head of music. Of David the worker of the LORD. He sang to the LORD the expressions of this tune when the LORD conveyed him from the hand of every one of his foes and from the hand of Saul. He said:

Psalm 18
I love you, O LORD, my solidarity.
The LORD is my stone, my fortification and my deliverer; my God is my stone, in whom I take shelter. He is my safeguard and the horn [1] of my salvation, my fortress.
I call to the LORD, who is deserving of commendation, and I am saved from my foes.
The strings of death entrapped me; the deluges of obliteration overpowered me.
The strings of the grave [2] curled around me; the catches of death faced me.
In my pain I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his sanctuary he heard my voice; my cry preceded him, into his ears.
The earth shuddered and convulsed, and the establishments of the mountains shook; they shuddered in light of the fact that he was furious.
Smoke rose from his noses; devouring fire came from his mouth, consuming coals blasted out of it.
He separated the sky and descended; foreboding shadows were under his feet.
He mounted the cherubim and flew; he took off on the wings of the breeze.
He made haziness his covering, his overhang around him- - the dim downpour billows of the sky.
Out of the splendor of his essence mists progressed, with hailstones and electrical discharges.
The LORD roared from paradise; the voice of the Most High reverberated. [3]
He shot his bolts and dispersed [the enemies], incredible electrical discharges and directed them.
The valleys of the ocean were uncovered and the establishments of the earth exposed at your censure, O LORD, at the impact of breath from your noses.
He came to down from a position of great authority and grabbed hold of me; he coaxed me out of profound waters.
He protected me from my amazing foe, from my enemies, who were excessively solid for me.
They went up against me in the day of my catastrophe, yet the LORD was my help.
He brought me out into an open spot; he protected me since he thoroughly enjoyed me.
The LORD has managed me as per my nobility; as indicated by the cleanness of my hands he has compensated me.
For I have kept the methods of the LORD; I have not done evil by abandoning my God.
Every one of his laws are before me; I have not gotten some distance from his announcements.
I have been faultless before him and have kept myself from wrongdoing.
The LORD has compensated me as per my honesty, as indicated by the cleanness of my hands in his sight.


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